How to apply to Samuel Ward Academy
All applications must be made using the appropriate form as there is no automatic right to a place at a local school so a form must be completed otherwise you will not get a place. For the normal year of entry admission (year 6 transfer from Primary School), the local authority will provide information through the Primary School which gives details of the process, the form, dates and deadlines for application, however you can get all this information from You can also contact them on 0345 600 0981 or at
If your child lives outside Suffolk you must contact the local authority where they live for details on how to apply.
If you are making an in-year application (not a year 6 transfer from Primary school) then you will need a different form (ADM1) which is also available from Suffolk County Council. However, you are still able to apply for a school place’. If a parent does not apply and receive a refusal letter, they then have no grounds to make an appeal and then may feel discouraged in applying in the first instance.
Please see the links below to our Admissions policies and relevant information from Suffolk County Council.
Transition from Primary School
We know that transferring to ‘big school’ can be both a daunting and exciting time for Students and we try to make this experience as positive as we possibly can.
Once you have been given a place at Samuel Ward students and parents will be invited to a meeting with senior members of staff. This will explain how the school runs, how the transition process operates and give families the chance to meet some of the adults who will play an important role in your child’s first year at secondary school. We can explain what will change for them, answer any questions and address any worries as well as get to know them a little. We believe in working in partnership with families and feel we want to understand the big picture of each individual.
We also work closely with our feeder primary schools. We meet all the year 6 teachers as a group to discuss how we will transfer information and to book appointments for some of our specialist staff to visit some pupils in the primary setting to ensure we best meet their individual needs. Our Special needs co-ordinator visits each school to ensure our staff can be as prepared as possible to help make a smooth transition.
During April each primary school transfers information on achievement to us to ensure lessons are appropriately pitched and groupings are productive. We use this and other information to create tutor groups with our team of form tutors who will support pupils as they transfer to Samuel Ward. We take a great deal of time and care to ensure that the student mix within classes and tutor groups will enable students to thrive. We’ve not perfected this process but we can reassure you that for the vast majority of students the transition process goes very, very smoothly. We recognise that this is a big change and also recognise that parental anxiety is normally much greater than student anxiety.
Some pupils who are especially anxious about the change will be offered the opportunity to experience some taster sessions at Samuel Ward with key staff whom they will come across in their time here.
We review groupings at key points in the curriculum and classes in most subjects will change in Year 8. This fluidity and flexibility is important to us: we know that students are individuals who mature and develop at different rates. Many of our students have great potential that may or may not have been evident during their primary years and we make every effort to ensure that they are always appropriately stretched and challenged.
To further the smooth transition we always induct pupils in the last week of the summer term so that they meet teachers, experience a secondary school timetable new timetable and start making new friends. During these transition days, there is also a parents meeting where parents can meet the key staff and discuss any worries.
We look forward to working with you over the next five to seven years to guide your child as they develop into a mature, considerate, hard-working and high-achieving young adult.
Consultation on Admission Arrangements for 2026/27
18th December 2024 to 29th January 2025
In accordance with the Department for Education’s School Admissions Code, Samuel Ward Academy are currently determining proposed admission arrangements for admissions to the school in September 2026.
The Admissions Code states that “there is a requirement that Admission Authorities MUST consult on their admission arrangements at least once every 7 years”.
As the Admissions Authority, and to comply with the requirement listed above, Samuel Ward Academy is seeking views on the admission arrangements for the admissions year 2026-27. Samuel Ward Academy follows the Admissions Code and the law relating to admissions. This accords with the funding agreement and with the Department for Education.
Suffolk County Council will continue to co-ordinate the admission arrangements for the normal year of entry (Year 7) and SWA will continue to administer in year applications and appeals. Parents wishing to apply for a school place outside of a normal year of entry should email: for further information.
The current Published Admission Numbers (PANs) for Samuel Ward Academy is 230. Samuel Ward Academy are consulting on reducing that to 210. Year 7 admission forecasts for the next five years are all under 210 students so applicants would not be disadvantaged by a lower PAN. It would however allow Samuel Ward Academy to plan staffing and finances efficiently to provide the best education and support for students.
A copy of the proposed admissions policy is available on our website at
As part of the consultation process, you are entitled to give your views on the admission arrangements.
You can do this by either writing to K Franks, Samuel Ward Academy, Chalkstone Way, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 0LD or Emailing:
Responses must be received no later than noon on 29th January 2025.