Samuel Ward Academy

Citizenship & Religious Studies

Introducing students to a variety of contemporary topics that are debated in our modern world.

In Citizenship and Religious Studies (CRS), pupils learn to respect themselves and understand their own identity, to respect others, and to understand their own and others’ rights and responsibilities. At a time when communities are becoming more diverse there is an even greater need for a more religiously literate and tolerant society.

CRS plays a key role in creating social cohesion and generating genuine understanding between communities reducing friction, intolerance and social unrest. CRS makes a key and unique contribution to understanding British heritage, plurality, values and futures. It provides an excellent opportunity for young people to engage with contemporary contentious issues, developing social, moral, cultural, political and philosophical awareness.

Key Stage 3

In Years 7 and 8, students receive a discrete RE lesson weekly. They investigate and reflect upon the beliefs and practices of some of the main world religions including Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism and Islam. Students also receive one lesson a week of PSHCE where they think about Rules, fairness and participation, human rights and the roles of the law and justice system in the UK. 

Sex and relationships education covers puberty and personal safety where students learn about the importance of abstinence, contraception, pregnancy. The school nurse supports a barrier contraceptive lesson.

Pupils learn about the key features of parliamentary democracy and government in the constituent parts of the UK and at local level including voting and elections and the role of citizens within a democracy.

The changing nature of UK society is also reflected upon, including the diversity of ideas, beliefs and cultures. Pupils learn about UK laws regarding drug, alcohol and tobacco use and misuse, and the personal and social consequences of misuse for themselves and others.

Key Stage 4

In Years 9 and 10, students receive 2 lessons a week of Citizenship and Religious Studies (CRS). They follow a GCSE short course with the opportunity to sit the examination at the end of Year 10. In the ‘Relationships’ unit students will have the opportunity to consider the changing nature and role of family life in Britain, the changing attitudes to marriage as people are increasingly choosing to cohabit or marry in non-religious ceremonies – raising issues about topics such as adultery, separation, divorce and remarriage.

Different attitudes to sexual relationships including the nature and purpose of sex and the conditions under which contraception may be used. In twenty-first century Britain, there have been significant changes in attitudes to the roles of gender equality and same-sex relationships. 

In the ‘Issues of Life and Death’ unit students will explore beliefs about the world, the value of life, beliefs about death and the afterlife, issues about sanctity and quality of life and medical ethics including abortion and euthanasia. Students will also study the main beliefs and teachings of two world faiths, including Christianity.

Public Services

YearKey StageCurriculum Map
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