Samuel Ward Academy

Equality Objectives

The Equality Objectives at Samuel Ward Academy are as follows:

Objective 1

Actively close gaps in attainment and achievement between students and all groups of students; especially boys, students eligible for free-school meals, students with special educational needs and disabilities, looked after children and students from minority ethnic group. Actions to address this gap will include a focus on reading and attendance.

Why we have chosen this objective: We believe that the greatest way to bring about equality of opportunity is through equality of educational experience and success.

Progress: The gap in attainment for students eligible for the pupil premium was closing but has re-opened since the pandemic.

Objective 2

Promotion of cultural understanding, awareness and respect of different religious beliefs between different ethnic groups within our school community.

Why we have chosen this objective: We believe that by promoting understanding, awareness and respect amongst our pupils, we equip them to promote those values amongst the wider community and future communities.

Progress: We cover this area in our PSHE curriculum. We are expanding this objective to include the LGBTQI community. We are a Stonewall School and a Rights Respecting School.

Objective 3

Narrow the digital divide by providing access to 1:1 digital devices for all sixth form students from September 2024.

Why we have chosen this objective: We need to equip our students with the skills necessary to succeed in a world being continually transformed by digital technology. We want to give all our students access to digital literacy; to digital independence; to digital confidence.

Progress: Training staff in leading learning with iPads will begin in April 2024.