Student Leadership
The role of the Ambassadors is wide ranging. They are the public face of Samuel Ward representing us at school functions, such as the Open Evening, and outside events and showing prospective parents and visitors around the school. The ambassadors also sit on the interview panel for potential new members of staff and their feedback is highly valued. They reinforce the positive image of the school in the local community. Perhaps the most important role they have is to provide a positive role model for other pupils.
The selection process is tough. Pupils have to complete a two-page application form detailing why they want to be an Ambassador and what they think they can bring to the position. The Head Boy and Head Girl for each house review the applications alongside the Heads of House and all the applicants are invited to an interview. After the interview process, the Heads of House and Head Boy and Girl decide who to appoint. The Ambassadors are appointed for a one year term but they can reapply the following year.
The role of Head Boy and Head Girl is prestigious. Year 11 students are invited to apply for the role knowing that the application process is rigorous to reflect the status and responsibility that the successful candidates must uphold. Each applicant will be interviewed by the Head teacher and an Assistant Head teacher, they will face twenty minutes of questioning about their vision for the role. The Interview Panel will then decide who to appoint and each applicant will be invited to a breakfast meeting the next day where the successful candidate will be announced.
The Head Boy and Girl oversee the ambassadors and they organise and lead the student council meetings which occur during Personal Development once a half term. The student council consists of a representative from each tutor group within the school and they actively contribute views on school events, policies and ideas.
Our Peer Mentor program encourages pupils to take on a pastoral leadership role. Pupils in year 10 are invited to apply for a position to mentor a younger pupil within the school and receive training to enable them to take on this responsibility. Peer mentors help to develop the confidence, organisation and social skills of their younger peers a rewarding role that fosters independence and maturity.
Furthermore, our Eco Ambassadors meet on a weekly basis during tutor time and they actively seek and deploy ways to develop the school’s sustainability. Our Anti-bullying Ambassadors promote a culture which celebrates and tolerates difference, they work together to design campaigns to support their peers. Our Reading Ambassadors promote a love of reading around the school, working closely with our librarian, Miss Lane to lead events and offer support to students who find reading challenging. Finally within our curriculum pupils can apply to become subject leaders in Sport, Languages, Drama and Music. Students work together to design lessons to deliver to students at primary schools and build revision resources for their peers at Samuel Ward.
There are many benefits to aspiring to have a leadership role within the wider school community. Pupils enjoy being able to express their views to staff and peers alike, represent the school at events, meet visitors and be active role models for their peers. All of the roles enhance their CV’s, further education applications and helps them to develop their communication skills and confidence levels.