Bus Pass Regulations
- Bus passes must be carried at all times and produced on boarding to the bus driver or another authorised person.
- No smoking on buses at all times. Students are not permitted to smoke, carry lighted tobacco of any form, lighted match or matches, cigarette lighters whilst on board the vehicle.
- Damage to seating or other fittings will be regarded as damage on any school property and appropriate action will be taken.
- Alcohol and other intoxicating substances are not allowed on any school bus. Students considered to be under the influence of any such substances will not be allowed to travel on school buses.
- No items are to be thrown or trailed out of the bus window or doors.
- Students are required to exercise due care and attention when getting on and off the buses and have due consideration for the safety of others.
- Students are expected to behave in a manner that will not cause offence to other students or members of the public either on or off the bus.
- Any students failing to comply with any points of this code will be subject to standard school disciplinary procedures.
- The school reserve the right to immediately withdraw the pass from any student not complying with this code or following any other disciplinary procedures.
The school reserve the right to refuse travel to any person that in the opinion of the driver or another school official, may cause a nuisance or offence to other students.
Instruction in the event of a bus not arriving / loss of bus pass
- In the event of the bus failing to turn up on time the following action is to be taken:
- Wait at least 15 minutes at the stop before taking any further action.
- Do NOT leave the stop until you have contacted the school on 01440 761511 – if possible ONE person should contact the school where they will be given further instructions – stay with that person
- The school will endeavour to make alternative arrangements to collect students. However this may take some time, so we would request that you be as patient as possible.
- Do NOT leave one person alone at the stop. Stay in a group.
- Do NOT attempt to walk to school.
- Under no circumstances will the school refund students for travel on alternative transport.
- If you should lose your bus pass please report it to the office. A new pass will cost £10.00
For all transport enquiries contact LHartwell@samuelward.co.uk