Dear Parents and Carers,

Happy New Year from all of us at Samuel Ward

Pastoral Team

There have been some changes in the pastoral team. We now have three non-teaching Heads of Year, so there is less need for Inclusion Officer support.

Year 7

Mrs Nichol, HoY, Mrs Moore, IO (due to start with us in the next few days)

Year 8

Mrs Yau, HoY, Miss Folan, IO (also working with Y10)

Year 9

Miss Cripps, HoY, Miss Ince, IO

Year 10

Mrs Carr, HoY, Miss Folan, IO (also working with Y8)

Year 11

Miss Bennett, HoY, Mrs Smithson, Deputy HoY, Miss Brown, IO

Being the best we can be – expectations for learning and communication

We have started this year with the launch of two new expectations which we shared with students in assemblies yesterday and in an extended tutor time today.


Previously, we might have asked children to listen or to pay attention. We are trying to be more specific about what we ask students to do so they know exactly what our expectations are. When we ask students to stop what they are doing and listen to the teacher, we will ask them to show us their BEST. That means:

Be silent

Empty hands

Sit up straight

Turn to the speaker


First impression matter, and for our students to be as successful as possible in later life, they need to know how to communicate effectively, appropriately, and politely. Sometimes, children can come across as rude without intending to be. When we talk to each other, we will take the following STEPS:


Tone of voice

Excuse me

Please and Thank you

Sir or Miss

Staffing Update

We said goodbye to some staff at the end of last term. Miss Mountford has relocated to North Norfolk. Mr Jones has taken a promotion at a school in Cambridge. We are very sorry to see them both leave and wish them both all the best.

Miss Bailey and Mrs Sharp have begun their maternity leave.  We send them our best wishes too.

Miss Cavilla-Perkins has decided to take on some new opportunities.  We are sorry to see her go but wish her the best of luck for the future and thank her for her dedicated service to the school over these many years.

Year 11 mocks

Year 11 have made an excellent start to their mock exams this week. Well done to them and good luck with the rest of the series. To quote Mohamed Ali, the fight is won in the gym, not in the ring. The thing that will make the difference between now and the summer is the amount of revision our students are doing. A minimum of 1-2 hours a night will help them to secure the grades they are capable of.

Have a good weekend,

Andy Hunter

Executive Headteacher, Samuel Ward Academy