Below you will find the key dates for each year group, as well as key dates for all school years. This is not an exhaustive list of all events and occasions but is instead meant to highlight what we believe to be important dates for your calendar.
Tuesday 12th Septemeber -Meet the tutor evening
Thursday 21st March - Parents Evening
Assessments - 3rd-7th June
Parents Evening - edmnesday May 22nd
Assessments - 15th-19th April
Thursday 25th January - options evening
Wednesday 27th March - parents evening
Assessments- 5th- 9th Fenruary
Parents Evening Thursday 18th January
Mock exams 17th June - 5th July
Information Evening - 21st Seprtember
Parents Evening - 28th September
Mock exams 4th - 31st January
Parents Evening 2 - 13th February
Exams 13th May - 26th June
Prom 4th July
Results 22nd August
Results Thursday 15th August