Dear Parents and Carers,
We have been advised that roads to the east of Haverhill are becoming difficult to navigate due to the extensive rain. For the safety of students and staff, we are going to close school to the majority of students at 1.30 today.
If your child/ren live within walking distance, they will need to walk home.
If your child/ren normally gets a bus, we are asking the bus companies to come to us for 1.40. One bus, the HL351, is coming earlier still and parents of the very small number of children affected have already been contacted.
We will need your permission to allow your child to leave early. We are asking children with phones to contact parents. You will need to send a text or other message giving permission that the student can show to their teacher before they leave. If your child does not have a phone, they will be able to borrow a friends or use a school landline.
Children without permission to leave early will be supervised in the canteen until 3.20.
I apologise for the short notice. We have been advised the situation is already very difficult on the roads and likely to get worse over the course of the afternoon.
Andy Hunter
Executive Headteacher
Samuel Ward and Westfield Primary Academies