11 May 2018
Dear Parent/Guardian
On Friday 22nd of June Year 7 and 8 pupils will be holding their Summer Fair and picnic. This will be held in and around C Block from 1pm until 3pm. Students will be raising money for their house charities and will provide a variety of stalls and sporting challenges to partake in and there will be tea and cakes to purchase. Each tutor group will be given a small float of loose change but to help please bring coins to spend. Please bring a picnic lunch and blanket/garden chairs. We look forward to another successful summer fair and hope you will be able to join us to enjoy the fun.
Students will shortly bring home an invitation for his/her family, please keep this safe and use this as an entrance ticket. Pupils, unless entitled to a free school meal, will need to bring a packed lunch, as the canteen will not be catering for Year 7 and 8 on this day. Free school meal students will have a picnic lunch prepared for them by the canteen.
It is important to note that entrance to the school site is only through the main school gate.
We would grateful if you would indicate how many guests we should expect by return email to Mrs Gillard or Mrs Elmer. hgillard@samuelward.co.uk,aelmer@samuelward.co.uk
Many thanks
Dawn Burford