16 March 2018
Dear Parent/Guardian
Pupil Review Day – Wednesday 18 April 2018
End of year 11 arrangements 2018
The usual format for Pupil Review Day will not run for Year 11 students on Wednesday 18 April, all Year 11 students will attend as for a normal school day and will be engaged in additional study sessions on this day. School buses will run as normal.
GCSEs are scheduled from Tuesday May 15 until Friday June 22 with the final whole year exam on Friday 15 June.
All year 11 students will continue to be in school and in lessons until June 15. Where subjects have their final examinations before June 15 these lessons will be given over to other subjects and revision sessions for the next examinations. We believe that these arrangements will enable the students to focus on their studies and maximise their opportunities to achieve success.
A draft exam timetable is on the website for your information. Please note that school uniform must continue to be worn whilst the students are in school for revision or sitting an examination.
Yours sincerely
Justin Coad
Deputy Headteacher