Dear Parents
We are very grateful to all who took the time, informally and formally, to respond to our consultation on looking at a possible different set of term and holiday dates for 2018-19. We had a variety of responses and many very helpful comments from the eleven schools involved. Overall, our conclusion is that we have not yet found a set of dates that has the confidence of both parents and staff to move to something different from what has been the pattern of term and holiday dates up to now. We will not, therefore, be changing to the dates that were proposed and will be staying with the dates to be used generally in the area. We will think further during the spring term about the comments we received, both by those that were interested in what had been proposed and by those who were concerned about the proposals.
Across the schools, there were a number of staff and parents who spoke informally to headteachers about their views. In terms of responses actually sent or made at meetings in schools, there were 428 replies, some of which made comments but did not say specifically they supported or did not support the proposals. Of those who replied and made clear their opinion, there were 139 who supported the proposals and 195 that did not.
The responses showed that there was interest in considering dates that are different from what have been the usual pattern. There were different views about where changes to the current pattern of dates might change. There were concerns that the proposals might be a way of cutting staff hours – we had useful conversations with trade unions during the consultation to make clear that whatever the outcome that this would not lead to changes in staff hours.
Please find attached to this email our term dates for 2018-2019. These dates and this note will also be on our website.
Many thanks
Mark Neild