Dear parents and carers, 

I hope you have enjoyed a great summer break with your children.  We're excited to welcome students tomorrow.  

Key dates and information 

Towards the end of this week, we will send a communication with all the key dates this year for all the year groups. We've made a commitment to make it easier than ever before for parents to support their child and be kept fully abreast of what is being learned and what children could do at home, to reinforce what happens in school.   Please look out for these details. Communication and partnership with families is a key focus for me this year and I'm looking forward to sharing more details once term is underway and students are settled in their new classes.  

Hot weather

The weather is forecast to be very warm this week so for Wed-Fri this week we will adopt summer uniform: blazer not required.  If it gets particularly hot in classrooms without air conditioning teachers will recommend students remove ties. 


You may have seen in the news concerns regarding the safety of buildings which contain Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC).  I'm pleased to be able to reassure you that Samuel Ward Academy has no RAAC.  

School Day

Finally, a reminder that our school day has changed this year.   Registration is at 8.40am as before, with a later finish time of 3.20pm. 

Kind regards,

Kev Geall

Head of School