Dear Parent/Guardian 

I would like to congratulate your child on the energy and enthusiasm they have shown to the start of this crucial year and in order for both parents/guardian and staff to capitalise on this great start we would like to invite you to a Year 11 information evening on Thursday 5 October 2017. 

The session will run from 6pm until 7pm in the Drama Studio and will provide you with ideas and suggestions as how best to support your child with independent learning at home. There will be presentations from the Head of Year 11, the Deputy Headteacher and other Samuel Ward colleagues. It will include key dates for the coming year, what support will be put in place for students and what additional revision and intervention sessions will be available leading up to the final exams. Practical advice and resources will be given out as to what your child should do to prepare themselves fully for the demands of the year ahead. 

We look forward to seeing you on the evening, however, if you are unable to attend or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 

Yours faithfully 

Mr J Coad 
Deputy Headteacher