Dear Year 11 Parent/Carer,

Following the surprise information that there will be a general election on the 4th of July, we have been informed that we will not now be able to use the Arts Centre for our prom day as it has been requisitioned as a polling centre. When that happens, any prior bookings are automatically cancelled. We are obviously very upset about this but thankfully have been able to rebook for the 3rd of July instead.

We hope that this does not cause anyone too much inconvenience. If you need to change a booking as a result and they ask for evidence (though surely they will know there is an election) we will be happy to provide a letter.

This is a disappointment but one that is completely out of our hands. We can only offer apologies for having to change the date.We will do everything we can to be sure that the prom is as memorable an experience as possible for the students. We will be in contact shortly with details with regards to arrival times,

Andy Hunter

Executive Headteacher