Dear Parent/carer,

As your child enters their second week at Samuel Ward Academy I wanted to write to you to share what a brilliant impression they have made.  Teacher after teacher has approached me to let me know how mature, polite and sensible the year group is and how the classes are a pleasure to teach. 

I also wanted to re-share the contact details of our tutors.  Contact details for all staff can be found on our website but the tutor is often the best first port of call. 

7B1 Ms Osbourne                                  

7B2 Dr Palmer                                         

7B3 Ms Bramhall/Ms Cowlin,

7C1 Ms Joyce                                      

7C2 Ms Horner/Ms Lesson,

7D1 Ms Nicoll                                          

7D2 Mr Stiff                                              

7D3 Ms Neale                                          

The meet the tutor evening is this evening which gives the first opportunity to put names to faces.  Please note that the e-mail address you use to access the system must be the one you shared with us when your child was enrolled.    If you are having problems logging in please contact us and we will either resolve the issue or make the bookings for you and resolve at a later date. 

Lastly, I’m conscious that we send out a great deal of information between June and September which some e-mail programmes might filter to junk.  A recap of our key communications is below.  They can also be found on our website:

Enrichment: 15th July

Residential November trip to Norfolk lakes: July and resent 13th September

Using the Parentpay system: 6th September

Accessing Parents’ Eve System: 7th September

Go4schools: 13th September along with this letter

Key dates for the academic year: 13th September along with this letter

As a parent of three children aged 19, 16 and 13 I recognise that while remote communications offer convenience there are real benefits to coming into school and seeing the children and adults at work.  Once per month I will host a coffee morning where we can discuss any issues, share successes and walk around the school to see the students learning.  I know that many working parents might struggle to attend these mornings but I’d rather some families benefit than none. 

During 2022 these mornings, running from 9am to 10am, will be available on the following dates:

Thur 22nd September

Tue 18th October

Thur 24th November

Tue 13th December

If you’d like to attend please contact Kirsty Franks on  In the event of oversubscription, priority will be given to parents of Year 7 during the Autumn term. 

I greatly look forward to working with you this year.

Kind regards,

Kev Geall                                                                                                             Daisy Stevens

Head of School                                                                                                  Head of Year 7