We are a large11-18 academy based in Haverhill, Suffolk with circa 1300 students on roll. We aim to inspire and motivate students to succeed and achieve their very best. We believe that an excellent education changes lives and opens doors to opportunities students may not be aware exist and it is our job to broaden their horizons, so they can move into the future confidently and courageously.
We are extremely ambitious for our students’ behaviour and learning. At the last survey, 96% of parents agreed that we have high expectations for their children and 100% agreed that we make sure our students are well behaved and safe. All of our teachers use the same behaviour management approaches and our sanctions, when necessary, are managed by the pastoral teams and SLT. Our effective behaviour systems and obvious ethos for learning mean that teachers here are free to focus on what will be most instrumental in shaping our students’ lives - teaching and learning.
We offer outstanding CPD both within our school and through the trust we are a part of, the Unity Schools Partnership, and encourage all our staff to become involved in research at all levels. We have an excellent reputation for Initial Teacher Training and work closely with the training arm of the Unity Schools Partnership– SBTA (Suffolk Borders Teaching Alliance) to support trainees and ECTs.
As part of our substantial investment in staff, we publish a staff well-being charter and run a staff wellbeing forum. We believe in treating all members of the school community with consideration, respect and dignity and, as a result of our strong school systems, excellent CPD and focus on well-being, we have low staff turnover.
Even if we are not currently advertising a vacancy, we are always keen to hear from people who would like to explore the possibility of working with us.
If you are interested in looking around the school or want to find out more about us just get in touch via Mrs K Franks (Head’s PA) via email: kfranks@samuelward.co.uk