• Headteachers Bulletin Nov 30

    Posted on Friday 14th December 2018

    We’re over half way through the half term now.

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  • Headteachers Letter Nov 16

    Posted on Thursday 22nd November 2018

    Last week we spent a lot of time considering the centenary of the Armistice.

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  • LABLIVE event letter

    Posted on Monday 19th November 2018

    We are very excited to offer Year 8 students the opportunity to attend LABLIVE.

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  • My first week letter

    Posted on Friday 2nd November 2018

    It’s the end of my first week as Headteacher at Samuel Ward Academy. I’d like to thank all of you who have spoken to me at events at the school, on the phone or by email, and have been so welcoming and encouraging.

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  • New Headteacher Appointment

    Posted on Friday 13th July 2018

    The Governors are delighted to announce the appointment of Mr Andy Hunter as the new Headteacher of Samuel Ward Academy.

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